A virus has decimated humankind. Those who survived emerged blind. Centuries later when twins are born with the mythic ability to see, their father must protect his tribe against a threatened queen.
Didan the names of the actors
Jason Momoa, Hera Hilmarsdottir, Sylvia Hooks, Nesta Cooper
See a summary of the story
At the beginning of the 21st century, the planet is infected with a deadly virus and the human population is reduced to less than 2 million people. Although they survived, they lost their eyesight and became blind, then the blindness is inherited. A century after this event, humans have returned to tribal life; Society tries to find ways to survive and hunt in the blind state. Meanwhile, the wife of a blind warrior named Baba Vas gives birth to twins who have the ability to see and… you can download it from FarsiNama site in this article.
About this series
Watching a TV series produced and broadcast by FarsiNama. This series stars Jason Momoa in the lead role. The screenplay of the series was written by Steven Knight and directed by Francis Lawrence. The first season of the series was broadcast in 2019 and received relatively good grades.